Vision Inspection Systems
Tipteh-organized vision inspection training course will provide you with the foundations of knowledge on the topic of vision inspection. Participants will learn about most popular camera systems, how to select lights, lenses, how to use software tools for common application tasks. The following parts of vision inspection applications are covered: choosing right equipment, application organization, results evaluation.
General about robotics systems + hands-on, a practical training on robot systems that we use: FANUC, UR, KUKA, YASKAWA, ABB.
Making sure you know exactly what you want, we’ll create bespoke training material that’ll fill any gaps, offering easy-to-follow step-by-step learning materials for different levels.
PLC Programming
This is hands-on programming training for dedicated PLC controller / system.
Beside basic information about technologies, producers, general characteristics and typical use, training can be Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced.
Tipteh has almost 50 years of experience and tradition in sensor business. Trainings include sensors basic principles, types, function, applications. We cover almost all types of industrial and measuring sensors available on market.
Servo motors / Drives
Participants learn how to make safe design or assembly of a servo motor system in a safe and correct way. Become familiar with basic principles of configuration and parameterisation of a servo motor system: regulate speed of a servo motor system, set different acceleration and braking deceleration speeds, make homing and use operating modes of a motor controller. Advanced training according to customer request/needs is also available on request.
Variable Frequency Drives
Training consists of theoretical part in which basics of electrotechnics and 3 phase motors are reviewed. A practical part on V/f drive trains participants to connect and actively control AC motor, set and change drive parameters. Advanced part includes different communication Fieldbus options as well as vector control and closed loop control examples.
Machine Safety
Tipteh has many years of know-how on the topic of safety at work. Machine safety is a field in which we have accumulated particular expertise. Our qualified engineers will convey this knowledge to customers and interested parties. The training will answer frequently asked questions by manufacturers, integrators, and operators on the topics of manufacturing, operating, and modifying machinery.
Questions such as, "What is the manufacturer's responsibility and what is the operating company's responsibility?" "What is the meaning of the CE mark?" "What are harmonized standards and why do we need them?" will be answered. The training is intended for anyone interested in machine safety, or those requiring a refresher, regardless of whether they work in planning, design, safety at work, or maintenance. We also offer trainings on setting up and converting machine systems. Trainings cover all questions related to setting up, modifying, and retrofitting machinery and equipment.